Embrace Your Potential
Starting a private practice as a therapist is an exciting and fulfilling next step in your career! You know you have a passion for helping others, and maybe you are feeling an itch for the next challenge. Along with the excitement of starting something new comes a companion that often seems unfair: self-doubt. Doubting yourself is a natural part of any significant risk, but it's essential not to let it hold you back from achieving your dreams. In this blog post, I will explore how you can push through self-doubt and prove to yourself that you're more capable than you think.
My Experience
One thing you don’t know about me, is on top of my passion for supporting other therapists in their journey to success, I have some other hobbies! Watercolor Painting is my favorite side craze. I love it so much, but it is also an extremely hard activity that requires a lot of patience and self-trust. I often find myself ensnared in the web of comparison, gazing at the work of other accomplished artists, and whispering to myself, "I will never be that good!" It's a sentiment that's familiar to many: doubting our abilities and measuring them against those who've seemingly mastered a craft. Yet, as I've spent more hours painting and honing my skills, I've come to appreciate the journey. The longer I practice, I look back on all I’ve done, I see the improvement I’ve made, and I feel assured of the strides I’ve taken. It is the same in my private practice journey.
It is so important to remember that whatever you do, you will not start out being perfect. We seem to believe that if we're flawlessly prepared and hyper-aware of potential pitfalls, we will finally summon the courage to leap. Yet, the truth is this: the only way to disprove your doubts is to first take the leap. The point is to actually figure it out as you go! It can be scary, and vulnerable, probably because we want to avoid mistakes. We are afraid our fears of “not being good enough,” will be actualized. But you are so much more capable than you know. Choose to move forward and do the things you feel excited about, and just trust that the fears will eventually dissipate. There might be new fears and uncertainties along the way, but that is part of the human experience. Below are some of my thoughts on how to push through the self-doubt.
1. Acknowledge the Doubts:
The first step in overcoming self-doubt is to acknowledge its presence. Recognize that it's normal to have doubts, especially when you're embarking on a new journey or taking a risk, like starting a private practice. Rather than trying to suppress or ignore your doubts, confront them head-on. This acknowledgment can be empowering, as it gives you the chance to identify the specific areas where self-doubt is creeping in.
2. Challenge Negative Self-Talk:
Self-doubt often thrives on negative self-talk. You might find yourself thinking, "I'm not experienced enough" or "What if I fail?" These thoughts can be crippling if left unchecked. Start challenging these negative narratives with evidence to the contrary. Recall your accomplishments, your education, and the skills you've acquired. Remind yourself that many successful therapists faced similar doubts and overcame them through hard work and dedication. Take time to journal these thoughts and reframes.
3. Focus on Your Why:
Behind every aspiration, there's a powerful 'why.' Ask yourself why you decided to pursue a private practice in the first place. Was it to have more autonomy in your work? To make a greater impact on your clients? Reminding yourself of your motivations can reignite your passion and help diminish the weight of self-doubt. Your 'why' can be a driving force to propel you forward, even in moments of uncertainty.
4. Embrace Imperfection:
Perfectionism and self-doubt often go hand in hand. Understand that no one is perfect, and every successful therapist has faced setbacks and challenges. Embrace the idea that mistakes are opportunities for growth. Instead of fearing failure, consider it a steppingstone toward success. By allowing yourself to be imperfect, you'll free up mental space to focus on learning and improving.
5. Seek Support and Guidance:
You don't have to navigate the journey alone. Seek support from colleagues, therapists, or even a professional coach who specializes in helping therapists start their private practices. Having someone to talk to, share your concerns with, and offer guidance can provide a fresh perspective and remind you that you're not alone in your journey.
6. Celebrate Small Wins:
Self-doubt can make you overlook your achievements, no matter how small. Celebrate your victories, whether it's securing your first client, setting up your practice website, or completing necessary paperwork. These small wins are evidence that you are making progress, and they can serve as reminders of your capabilities.
7. Remember that Self-Doubt isn’t the End of the Journey:
Remember that self-doubt is only a part of your inner dialogue, and not the “whole you” despite how strong it might feel. For this, I love to use the Internal Family Systems framework for practicing self-leadership. Don’t let the self-doubt take over and create a narrative before you begin to take the steps. Remember as scary as it is, I know there are also parts of you that are so excited! Lean into the inner dialogue of those parts, as you soothe the fear and doubt.
Starting a private practice is a remarkable achievement that requires dedication, hard work, and a belief in yourself. While self-doubt may rear its head, remember that it's a common companion on the path to success. By acknowledging your doubts, challenging negative self-talk, focusing on your motivations, embracing imperfection, seeking support, and celebrating your victories, you can prove to yourself that you are more than capable of overcoming any challenges that come your way. Your journey toward a thriving private practice is a testament to your resilience and determination.
So, take that first step, embrace the uncertainty, and remind yourself that you have the power to create the successful private practice you've been dreaming of. Your potential knows no bounds—believe in yourself and watch your aspirations become reality.
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